Acupuncture - Electroacupuncture - Aesthetic Acupuncture Maria Anagnostopoulou - Center for Alternative Therapies
Chiropractic - Therapeutic Massage - Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a healing method based on traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is a theoretical, complex and complete treatment system. The history of acupuncture begins 4,000 years ago in China and 160 years ago in Europe. It is a complete and complex treatment technique, which is based on the painless placement of needles in clearly defined areas of the skin. Acupuncture aims to correct imbalances in the flow of qi by stimulating anatomical areas above or below the skin known as acupuncture points, most of which are connected by channels known as "meridians".
Why do acupuncture?
- It is a holistic medicine that enables the body to heal itself.
- Addresses the root of the problem, not just the symptom.
- It is painless in its application.
- Often more effective in treating chronic conditions than Western medicine.
- It is a natural healing method that supports the body, instead of invasive methods with drugs or surgery.
What is electroacupuncture?
Electroacupuncture is a method that has been widely used in recent years in clinical practice, enhancing the effects of classical acupuncture. In electroacupuncture, the needles, after being placed at the selected acupuncture points, are connected via electrodes to a special device, from which an electrical stimulus of controlled frequency and intensity is produced. These devices use low voltage alternating current (3-15 V) as a power source. Depending on the electrical parameters we use and the acupuncture points that we selectively stimulate, we can achieve analgesic, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, antidepressant or other action.
What is Aesthetic Acupuncture?
Aesthetic acupuncture is a non-invasive method, which reduces the signs of aging and activates the ability to regenerate facial skin. Over the years the skin loses its firmness, the skin relaxes and the first wrinkles appear. Aesthetic acupuncture is an effective method to remove fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It is important to mention that with cosmetic acupuncture there are no side effects, such as botox, surgery or injectable hyaluronic acid.
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